Solutions for Transportation Companies

Pay the best possible price for bulk fuel for your fleet of tankers, jets or ships

Fuel Prices for Global Markets

Working with a limited number of suppliers while buying large fuel volumes for your fleet in a volatile markets presents unique challenges. OPIS can assist you in minimizing your risks and controlling costs.

Through a variety of pricing assessments, OPIS helps you ensure accurate transactions and reconcile the fees your supplier is charging.

Download the transportation fact sheet for a quick overview to keep on hand.

View Transportation Fact Sheet

Cargo ships
Image of diesel fuel being pumped into a truck

Spot, rack and retail fuel reports for transportation companies.

Access accurate and reliable price references and data for supply contracts for jet fuel, bunker fuel, diesel and gasoline.

Looking for price history? Historical spot and rack data is available for several energy commodities for price verification in multiple formats and timings, enabling you to chart pricing data.