Prices for credits under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) have been a sad story in 2022.
Renewable diesel (RD) shipping volume between the U.S. Gulf Coast and U.S. West Coast has quickly gained market spotlights in 2022 after the joint-ventured Diamond Green Diesel (DGD) RD plant in Norco, Louisiana, completed its expansion to 45,000 b/d of RD in October 2021. (more…)
U.S. West Coast fuel market fundamentals in September combined in a unique way to push spot market differentials for California blendstock to one record high after another, sending retail prices in the state up by 10cts to 15cts/gal on a daily basis.
Unpredictability and dramatic price movements characterized California gasoline prices in 2019. What is the state of Los Angeles and San Francisco gas prices in 2020 and what factors may affect them?