Ben Brockwell
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Jet fuel
Airline Industry Faces Long Recovery; Cheaper Jet Fuel Costs Offer Some Relief
Airlines are staring down a long road back in the wake of a veritable cliff dive in travel demand, which...
Gas & Diesel, Jet fuel, Spot Market
Jet Fuel Prices in 2019 to React to Crude, IMO, Strong Demand
For the past two years, consumption of jet fuel by U.S. airlines has been strong, meaning that the annual pace...
Rack Market, Retail Market, Spot Market
Oil Price Rally Hits a Snag: Two Factors to Watch
The two-week-long run up in bulk U.S. gasoline prices in summer 2018 hit a mid-July roadblock when oil prices...
Rack Market
Oil Spill Liability Tax Basics
The 9 cents per barrel federal oil spill liability tax, which expired Dec. 31, 2017, went back into effect March...
Jet fuel, Spot Market
No Holiday Gift to Airlines: Stronger 2018 Jet Fuel Prices Expected
Jet fuel around the world is wrapping up 2017 at the highest values all year and the stage is set...