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Displaying 77 results
Retail -
Discover every aspect of retail fuel brand performance for traditional gas brands as well as hundreds of convenience store and retail chain brands.
Spot -
Get a true buildup cost of cross-border shipments from the U.S. to Mexico. It features a landed spot market index that assesses the price of Mexico delivered gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel.
Rack -
Daily supplier-posted wholesale biodiesel rack prices, clearly listed both by feedstock and biodiesel blend. Plus, prices both with & without RINs are listed. Many locations available.
Spot -
PetroChem Wire by OPIS reports provide exclusive daily prices for the entire U.S. petrochemical market, including NGLs, ethylene, propylene, olefin, polymers and prime grade and recycled plastics.
Spot -
OPIS Global Marine Fuels Report delivers daily bulk and bunker fuel prices and data from key ports in a concise, affordable report. Easily monitor prices in a shipping market still evolving in response to IMO 2020 regulations.
Spot -
Recycled Plastics Weekly provides transparent, accurate and unbiased pricing for this evolving market with standardized grades, delivery location and other key specifications.
Spot -
Refinery Focus Daily reveals how and where petrochemicals and refining economics intersect. Get a daily summary of closing prices and trading activity for propylene and benzene.
Spot -
Receive the latest trends and markets for olefins, NGLs, plastics and refined products. This timely market intelligence is sent to you during the trading day.
Spot -
Get a daily summary of closing petrochemical prices and trading activity across all trading markets. PetroChem Wire by OPIS is recognized as the price benchmark for futures contracts and risk management.