Gasoline Market Prices

Explore OPIS Gasoline Products for Spot, Rack & Retail Markets

Gasoline Pricing and Market Coverage

OPIS provides extensive gasoline pricing, market news and data analysis through many products and formats which are available for free trial or demo. Select from gasoline spot pricing, wholesale rack pricing, retail gas station pricing historical gasoline price data and gasoline market news.Software automation solutions are also available for wholesale gasoline and diesel fuel businesses seeking streamlined management tools


Spot Gasoline Pricing

OPIS provides NYMEX and spot gasoline pricing for RBOB, CBOB, CARBOB and AZRBOB, regular and premium grades, for all key U.S. spot markets. You can customize our spot reports and tools to match your needs for a specific region and/or gasoline product.


Wholesale Rack Gasoline Pricing

Billions of gallons of gasoline are bought and sold based on OPIS benchmark wholesale rack pricing. OPIS provides gasoline prices at hundreds of locations in the U.S. Reports show regular, unleaded and premium grades of gasoline, as well as ethanol blends, along with appropriate RVP designations.

Fuel Truck
Fuel station management starts at the pump. RetailSuite provides market data used to increase gas station profits.

Retail Gasoline Pricing

OPIS tracks millions of gasoline prices for outlets in North America and collects pricing from stations across Europe, South America, Japan, Mexico and Australia.

  • RetailSuite consists of several web-based tools for retailers to monitor their overall gas station performance via one data platform.
  • PricePro (a web-based tool) and Retail Radius Report (emailed excel or PDF file) allow you to monitor the gasoline prices of local competitors and update your pump prices quickly and accurately via Point-of-Sale integration.
  • OPIS also provides tools to help you monitor retail margins, volume and market share against competing gas stations.
  • We can also create custom retail gasoline reports to suit your specific data needs.

Gasoline Price History

Use our on-demand historical databases to pull spot, rack and retail gasoline price history as-needed or request a custom report.

  • Spot and wholesale gasoline price history is available through TimeSeries, an on-demand database for self-service historical price searches. Data goes back 30+ years in some markets.
  • Invoice Checker is a cost-effective way to access spot and rack gasoline prices for specific historical point(s), one at a time.
  • Retail DataHouse is your source for historical retail gasoline prices back to 2007.
  • Customized gasoline price history is also available.
Price History
Oil Pipelines

Gasoline Market News

OPIS provides breaking news, exclusive stories, experts insights and in-depth analysis on the various factors that influence gasoline pricing and market trends.

  • OPIS Newsletter provides expert reporting and analysis on major spot, rack and retail gasoline trends.
  • Oil Express is geared specifically for fuel marketers and retail gas station owners with practical tips and news. The service also includes real-time news alerts.
  • Retail Fuel Watch is an overview of retail market trends and gas station performance in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Intraday News Alerts for refined products put important gasoline market news in your inbox instantly.

Gasoline Market Analytics & Automation Solutions

Axxis is a software solution that allows you to automate gasoline pricing, invoicing and other fuel supply chain management tasks.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Gasoline Information Needs Contact us to discuss your needs or view product finder results for gasoline.