OPIS provides extensive gasoline pricing, market news and data analysis through many products and formats which are available for free trial or demo. Select from gasoline spot pricing, wholesale rack pricing, retail gas station pricing historical gasoline price data and gasoline market news.Software automation solutions are also available for wholesale gasoline and diesel fuel businesses seeking streamlined management tools
OPIS provides NYMEX and spot gasoline pricing for RBOB, CBOB, CARBOB and AZRBOB, regular and premium grades, for all key U.S. spot markets. You can customize our spot reports and tools to match your needs for a specific region and/or gasoline product.
Billions of gallons of gasoline are bought and sold based on OPIS benchmark wholesale rack pricing. OPIS provides gasoline prices at hundreds of locations in the U.S. Reports show regular, unleaded and premium grades of gasoline, as well as ethanol blends, along with appropriate RVP designations.
OPIS tracks millions of gasoline prices for outlets in North America and collects pricing from stations across Europe, South America, Japan, Mexico and Australia.
Use our on-demand historical databases to pull spot, rack and retail gasoline price history as-needed or request a custom report.
OPIS provides breaking news, exclusive stories, experts insights and in-depth analysis on the various factors that influence gasoline pricing and market trends.
Axxis is a software solution that allows you to automate gasoline pricing, invoicing and other fuel supply chain management tasks.