TimeSeries is OPIS’ historical price database allowing on-demand access for users to pull historical price reports. It houses spot and wholesale rack prices for several energy commodities. Gasoline, diesel, NGLs, resid, feedstocks and futures history is available.
Price history goes back to 1980 for spot pricing data for gasoline, diesel and NGLs and 1995 for wholesale rack pricing for gasoline and diesel. Timing parameters can be daily, weekly (Monday – Saturday), monthly, quarterly or yearly.
Available online and very user-friendly, this database provides the historical information needed to verify invoices, analyze market trends and compare prices and suppliers in various markets. It also features easy-to-use charting capabilities. View TimeSeries fact sheet to learn more about its capabilities.
Try OPIS TimeSeries free for 10 days. You will receive a login ID and password to access the online database.
Looking for a different historical pricing solution?
OPIS Retail DataHouse allows you to access and analyze retail fuel prices and margins on demand through an online platform. Track performance, identify gas station acquisition opportunities and more.
Learn MoreOPIS Invoice Checker is a self-service online tool that allows you to pull spot and rack prices one-at-a-time, as needed. Auditing your fuel purchases is simple and budget-friendly.
Learn MoreOPIS can provide custom historical pricing assessments and news dating back more than 20 years for gasoline, diesel, natural gas liquids, jet fuel, refinery feedstocks, heavy oils/bunker fuel, crude, biofuels and RINs.
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