Gain the advantage in your market by discovering and understanding localized gasoline sales trends including fuel volume performance and profitability. Based on actual retail fuel volume sales data collected directly from station operators, DemandPro provides an accurate snapshot of weekly fuel sales to measure performance.
Request your free OPIS DemandPro demo.
Fuel volume data is available on a national, regional or state-by-state basis:
*DemandPro only; not available for the OPIS Demand PDF Report
Analyze your gas station’s performance against regional average fuel volumes. Get an accurate assessment of your local market’s gasoline sales. DemandPro data can help you determine if you are behind, in the middle or ahead of curve when it comes to selling retail fuel.
New Feature – MyBrand:
The MyBrand feature allows DemandPro contributors to analyze their data on an aggregated basis for:
Special Notice:
You can receive a substantial discount on the OPIS Demand Report subscription by confidentially adding your weekly store fuel volume data into this report. Interested? Contact Brian Norris, Director – Retail Data and Product Management, by email or phone at 301.284.2057 for more details.
Get gas station prices you can trust for your most important business decisions.
The OPIS Quality Difference has:
Improve pricing strategy and monitor retail brand power. This interactive web-based tool compares your brand’s volume and price differential against that of your competitors on a local and national level.
Learn MoreBecome more profitable when selling fuel by using the live retail margin information in OPIS MarginPro. Discover instantly if margins are up or down. Track margins by MSA or on a state or national level.
Learn MoreMake your fuel prices competitive at every station, every minute of the day. Faster, smarter pricing decisions are delivered via your POS system at each station.
Learn More