Solutions for NGL & Petrochemical Companies

Trading in a Volatile Market Demands a Reliable Price Reference

Global LPG and petrochemicals price transparency and expert market insight.

Worldwide markets as complex as LPG/NGL and petrochemicals require analysis that also provides perspective. OPIS can help you cut through the complexity of trading in these volatile markets through accurate price discovery and expert perspective on the factors influencing markets.

Nearly every gallon of NGLs in the U.S. is pegged to an OPIS price and every gallon trading in the influential Mont Belvieu LP hub is transacted on OPIS pricing; in turn helping set prices across the globe. In addition, PetroChem Wire by OPIS is the industry benchmark for petrochemicals pricing.

Tap into the industry’s pricing benchmarks for natural gas liquids, liquid petroleum gas and petrochemicals markets through OPIS. Our expert editors examine the causes of price volatility, from processing upsets to capacity expansions and more. Watch the video to learn more.

Download the NGL and petrochemicals companies fact sheet for additional information about our pricing and information solutions.

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Huge storage tanks of a petrochemical plant

A variety of LPG and petrochemicals reports provide extensive daily price discovery.

  • OPIS publishes the industry-selected North American LPG price benchmark report for all spot contracts of propane, ethane, butane and natural gasoline. Track global supply and demand trends with OPIS Europe and Asia LPG coverage.
  • See what suppliers pay at the spot level and which suppliers have the lowest postings at the rack with daily, customized wholesale propane prices.
  • The prompt NGL market is increasingly influenced by what’s trading along the forward curve. The NGL Forwards Report gives you an impartial forward assessment from multiple sources.
  • PetroChem Wire by OPIS reports provide pricing for the entire U.S. petrochemical market, including ethylene, polyethylene, propylene, polypropylene, olefin and polymers. PetroChem Wire Daily report is recognized as the benchmark for spot petrochemicals futures.
green molecules petrochemicals
NGL storage location

Track markets intraday with OPIS live price ticker services.

Nothing is faster than now. OPIS real-time pricing services help you see what our editors are confirming in the market around the clock. We examine every market move with care, to ensure full-day pricing you can trust to set your deals.

  • Make better supply decisions with the Global LPG Ticker, tracking the price relationships between European and Asian spot LPG markets and the influential Mont Belvieu hub in real time.
  • See live spot propane price indications as they happen in the market from the start of morning trade to the close for Mt. Belvieu, Conway, Canada and more with the North American Propane Ticker.

Learn better business strategies with OPIS events.

OPIS events help you navigate the complex world of NGL trading.

  • NGL producers see how to maximize the margin between natural gas and NGL prices.
  • Petrochemical producers discover how to minimize LPG feedstock costs.
  • Propane wholesalers learn strategies for achieving best-buy prices and avoiding over-buying.
Learn better business strategies by attending OPIS events.