Biodiversity Market Report

News and pricing for voluntary biodiversity credit projects

Biodiversity Credit Market News, Analysis and Pricing

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted at COP15 in December 2022 with the goal of halting and reversing nature loss by 2030. Many companies are beginning to make nature-positive commitments and assess their impacts on biodiversity, and voluntary biodiversity credits provide metrics and units of accounting for those aiming to become nature positive. 

The OPIS Biodiversity Market Report is the first of its kind, providing pricing for a raft of voluntary biodiversity credit projects. The weekly report features news and market reporting on national biodiversity markets, policies and new technologies, plus pricing for biodiversity credits.

Who Benefits From This Biodiversity Market Report?

  • Early adopters of the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) looking for biodiversity credit market news and analysis
  • Companies with nature positive commitments
  • Project developers 
  • Project buyers
  • Commodity traders
  • Banks, asset managers 
  • Multilateral development banks
  • Governments
    • Officials implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework


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Key Features

  • Pricing – Listed prices for global voluntary biodiversity projects valued at $1 million or more. 
  • Project News – Updates on projects offering voluntary biodiversity credits.
  • Policy News – News on government biodiversity policies as well as developments in corporate action related to biodiversity.
  • Insight – Investigative stories, interviews with key stakeholders and analysis of the architecture and technology  underpinning new biodiversity credit markets.

Why You Can Trust OPIS Price Assessments

  • OPIS follows best practices honed over 47 years providing price benchmarks and follows the rigorous standards set by IOSCO and BMR for price benchmarks.
  • Markets show trust in OPIS benchmarks by pricing billions of dollars of transactions each year using OPIS price assessments as an index.

International Emissions Trading Association, IETA

OPIS is proud to be a member of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA). IETA is a non-profit business organization created in June 1999 to establish a functional international framework for trading in greenhouse gas emission reductions.

Biodiversity Credit Market Insights from OPIS

The weekly OPIS Biodiversity Market Report provides pricing for a series of voluntary biodiversity credit projects, biodiversity news and market analysis.

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