Jordan Godwin
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Gas & Diesel, Renewables
What Is California’s Crude CI Deficit & How Does It Affect Fuel Prices?
California this year added a new layer of compliance costs under its Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program, forcing so-called...
California, Carbon
California’s LCFS: Just How Much Stronger Will the New Targets Be?
Prices for credits under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) have been a sad story in 2022.
Biofuels, Renewables, RINs
RFS, RINs and Biofuels Forum Preview
Each year, attendees of OPIS’s RFS, RINs & Biofuels Forum come to the event looking for answers about biofuel markets...
Ethanol, Renewables
Can Ethanol Prices Rebound in 2020?
U.S. ethanol prices, after nearly a year-long funk, are indicating strength for 2020.
Biofuels Industry and Regulatory Policies in 2018
The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) since its start has been marked by conflict between biofuels industry advocates intent on pushing more...