OPIS Carbon Market Intelligence helps buyers and sellers navigate market volatility with confidence and strategically manage costs and risks knowing the market’s fair price. OPIS Carbon Market Intelligence includes the following products:
OPIS Global Carbon Offsets Report is the world’s first voluntary carbon markets price report, meeting the demand for price discovery and transparency across the industry. It provides daily physical assessments for 27 voluntary carbon offset credits and 10 compliance carbon offset credits, including REDD+, CORSIA Eligible Offsets, and California Carbon Offsets. Breaking news coverage and analysis reveals trends and fundamentals impacting global voluntary carbon market supply and demand.
OPIS Carbon Market Report assesses the largest compliance carbon markets in the world with reliable and transparent trade-day carbon market data. The report provides comprehensive carbon coverage with transparency for over 100 indices, include prices for California Carbon Allowances, California Carbon Offsets, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Allowances, U.S. Renewable Energy Certificates, California Low Carbon Fuel Standard, Oregon Clean Fuels Program, and the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard. Easily track and manage your carbon compliance costs with daily pricing and breaking news.
OPIS APAC Carbon Market Report provides daily price transparency for carbon markets in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and China, plus news and market commentary to support your trading strategies across the region.